• To serve as a forum for partcipating Local Government Councils to learn in an Informal way the working of an effective and efficient people centred local administration from one ofthe oldest local administrations in the world;
• To learn how farming can be as revenue generating sector and feed the people of the local gocernment
• To teach local governments how to be financial viable and throw Ideas and enlarge the vision of administrators of revenue generation in a community
To give participants a first experience in the use of IT in effective service delivery at local government level (especially in the process of Internal revenue generation);
• To create a forum for establishment of links and opportunity for cooperation and technical support between Nigerian Local Government coumcils and their Moroccan
• To serve an opportunity for exchange of ideas onccmnmonproblemsardprospects;
• To create an opportunity for exploration of economic cooperation between the Local Goverment Councils and interested Irish hismess groups
• Participants would be able to ldentify the key elements of running a modern people
centred local democratic administration
• They will be able to Identify various aspects of farming which IS a key sector in local government revenue administration
• They will be able to Identify the all-important role IT plays in modern local
admmstration especially in the area of internal revenue generation
• They would be able to establish direct links for cooperation technical support and
grant aid for their respective Local Government Councils in Nigeria
• Acquire new skills for contract negotiations one hand and how to organise council staff effectively to complement the execution, management and timely repairs of local government Infrastructures through the use of direct labour
• Identify ways of prudent management of scare resources and how to prioritize local government expenditure in lean times